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SAA-C03 Exam Dumps

SAA-C03 Exam Dumps

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

Vendor: Amazon

Exam Name: AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

Questions with Answers: 982

Last Updated: 20-Jan-2025

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Amazon SAA-C03 Exam Questions

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exams.

A company collects temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure data in cities across multiple continents. The average volume of data collected per site each day is 500 GB. Each site has a high - speed internet connection. The company's weather forecasting applications are based in a single Region and analyze the data daily. What is the FASTEST way to aggregate data from all of these global sites?
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A company needs the ability to analyze the log files of its proprietary application. The logs are stored in JSON format in an Amazon S3 bucket Queries will be simple and will run on - demand A solutions architect needs to perform the analysis with minimal changes to the existing architecture What should the solutions architect do to meet these requirements with the LEAST amount of operational overhead?
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A company uses AWS Organizations to manage multiple AWS accounts for different departments. The management account has an Amazon S3 bucket that contains project reports. The company wants to limit access to this S3 bucket to only users of accounts within the organization in AWS Organizations. Which solution meets these requirements with the LEAST amount of operational overhead?
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An application runs on an Amazon EC2 instance in a VPC. The application processes logs that are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. The EC2 instance needs to access the S3 bucket without connectivity to the internet. Which solution will provide private network connectivity to Amazon S3?
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A company is hosting a web application on AWS using a single Amazon EC2 instance that stores user - uploaded documents in an Amazon EBS volume. For better scalability and availability, the company duplicated the architecture and created a second EC2 instance and EBS volume in another Availability Zone placing both behind an Application Load Balancer After completing this change, users reported that, each time they refreshed the website, they could see one subset of their documents or the other, but never all of the documents at the same time. What should a solutions architect propose to ensure users see all of their documents at once?
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