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CV0-004 Exam Dumps

CV0-004 Exam Dumps

CompTIA Cloud+ (2024)

Vendor: CompTIA

Exam Name: CompTIA Cloud+ (2024)

Questions with Answers: 229

Last Updated: 26-Jan-2025

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CompTIA CV0-004 Exam Questions

CompTIA Cloud+ (2024) exams.

An engineer made a change to an application and needs to select a deployment strategy that meets the following requirements • Is simple and fast • Can be performed on two Identical platforms Which of the following strategies should the engineer use?
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The change control board received a request to approve a configuration change 10 deploy in the cloud production environment. Which of the following should have already been competed?
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A customer is migrating applications to the cloud and wants to grant authorization based on the classification levels of each system. Which of the following should the customer implement to ensure authorisation to systems is granted when the user and system classification properties match? (Select two).
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A system surpasses 75% to 80% of resource consumption. Which of the following scaling approaches is the most appropriate?
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A network administrator is budding a site - to - site VPN tunnel from the company's headquarters office 10 the company's public cloud development network. The network administrator confirms the following The VPN tunnel is established on the headquarter office firewall. While inside the office, developers report that they cannot connect to the development network resources. While outside the office on a client VPN, developers report that they can connect to the development network resources. The office and the client VPN have different IP subnet ranges. The firewall flow logs show VPN traffic is reaching the development network from the office. Which of the following is the next step the next network administrator should take to troubleshoot the VPN tunnel?
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