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IIA-CIA-Part3-3P Exam Dumps

IIA-CIA-Part3-3P Exam Dumps

CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing

Vendor: IIA

Exam Name: CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing

Questions with Answers: 488

Last Updated: 24-Jan-2025

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IIA IIA-CIA-Part3-3P Exam Questions

CIA Exam Part Three: Business Knowledge for Internal Auditing exams.

According to IIA guidance, which of the following steps are most important for an internal auditor to perform when evaluating an organization's social and environmental impact on the local community? 1) Determine whether previous incidents have been reported, managed, and resolved. 2) Determine whether a business contingency plan exists. 3) Determine the extent of transparency in reporting. 4) Determine whether a cost/benefit analysis was performed for all related projects.
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An internal auditor performed a review of IT outsourcing and found that the service provider was failing to meet the terms of the service level agreement. Which of the following approaches is most appropriate to address this concern?
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Which of the following is a strategy that organizations can use to stimulate innovation? 1) Source from the most advanced suppliers. 2) Establish employee programs that reward initiative. 3) Identify best practice competitors as motivators. 4) Ensure that performance targets are always achieved.
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Which of the following conditions could lead an organization to enter into a new business through internal development rather than through acquisition?
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Which of the following statements regarding program change management is not correct?
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