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Cybersecurity-Audit-Certificate Exam Dumps

Cybersecurity-Audit-Certificate Exam Dumps

ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Certificate

Vendor: Isaca

Exam Name: ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Certificate

Questions with Answers: 134

Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025

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Isaca Cybersecurity-Audit-Certificate Exam Questions

ISACA Cybersecurity Audit Certificate exams.

s & Answe rs PDF Wi thin the NI ST core cybersecurity framew ork, which fun ction is ass ociated with using organization al und erstand ing to mi nimi ze risk to systems, ass ets, and data?
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s & Answe rs PDF Explanation Answe r A The “recove r” fun ction of the NI ST cybersecurity framew ork is con cerned with plann ing for resilience and tim ely repair of compromi sed capacities and service. This is because the recove r fun ction helps organizations to restore no rmal op erations as qu ickly as po ssible after a cybersecurity incident, while also learning from the incident and im proving their security po sture. The other opt ions are not part of the recove r fun ction, but rather belong to the identify (B) , respond ©, or protect (D) fun ction s. Que stion 4 Availability can be protected throu gh the use of
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s & Answe rs PDF Which of the following wou ld provide the BEST basis for allocating propo rtion al protection activities when comprehensive class ification is not feasible?
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s & Answe rs PDF Wi thin the NI ST core cybersecurity framew ork, which fun ction is ass ociated with using organization al und erstand ing to mi nimi ze risk to systems, ass ets, and data?
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s & Answe rs PDF Explanation Answe r A The “recove r” fun ction of the NI ST cybersecurity framew ork is con cerned with plann ing for resilience and tim ely repair of compromi sed capacities and service. This is because the recove r fun ction helps organizations to restore no rmal op erations as qu ickly as po ssible after a cybersecurity incident, while also learning from the incident and im proving their security po sture. The other opt ions are not part of the recove r fun ction, but rather belong to the identify (B) , respond ©, or protect (D) fun ction s. Que stion 4 Availability can be protected throu gh the use of
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