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CFE-Law Exam Dumps

CFE-Law Exam Dumps

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) - Law

Vendor: ACFE

Exam Name: Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) - Law

Questions with Answers: 103

Last Updated: 22-Jan-2025

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ACFE CFE-Law Exam Questions

Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) - Law exams.

Which of the following is the MOST ACCURATE statement about serf - regulatory organizations (SROs) in the securities industry?
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Greta is convicted of white - collar crime. However, her sentence is suspended in return for her promise of good behavior. Which of the following BEST describes Greta's sentence?
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Ramona is investigating Eugene for misconduct Ramona and Eugene both work for Elek - Tek, which operates in a jurisdiction with evil laws for defamation, invasion of privacy and conflict of interest During the investigation Ramona obtained ^formation that Eugene is cheating on his spouse Ramona to a large group of Elek - Tek employees that Eugene was committing adultery, which turned out to be true Which cause of action would give Eugene the BEST chance for success m a civil suit against Ramona?
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Which of the following is NOT required for a contract transaction or scheme to be classified as an investment contract?
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The same customer comes into a casino each day and deposits a large amount of cash into an account but after very little gambling the customer withdraws the funds The casino employees suspect that the customer may be engaged in money laundering activity Assuming that the anti - money laundering (AML) regulations that govern the casino’s activities correspond to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Recommendations the casino:
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