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S90.05 Exam Dumps

S90.05 Exam Dumps

SOA Technology Lab

Vendor: Arcitura Education

Exam Name: SOA Technology Lab

Questions with Answers: 50

Last Updated: 16-Feb-2025

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Arcitura Education S90.05 Exam Questions

SOA Technology Lab exams.

Your company has developed a service that allows your customers to check the status of an order. The schema for the service is shown here: A new customer plans to use your service, but they want to test it first. They have asked for two sample XML documents that show typical input and output message content. Which of the following pairs of XML elements will validate with the schema shown above?
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A partner organization has given you samples of XML documents retrieved from their product information database. The three samples they have sent you are: Because they are an important partner, you have agreed to write a service to accept XML documents in their format. However, they did not send you a schema, so you are tasked with defining a schema that will correctly validate their documents. Which of the following XML schemas will successfully validate each of the above XML document fragments?
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Your company has developed a PO service that allows customers to submit purchase order documents. The message sent by a customer must be based on a predefined "purchaseOrder" element and the message received by the customer is based on a "messageAcknowledgement" element. These two elements are defined in the following two separate XML Schema definitions: The "purchaseOrder.xsd" schema: Note that these two schemas have different namespaces. That is because the "purchaseOrder.xsd" schema is specific to purchase order - related functions, while the "ack.xsd" schema is more generic and used for a variety of different purposes.
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Your developer is asked to build a Timesheet service that is able to receive timesheet submissions for an internal payroll system. Service consumers need to be able to send this service request message based on a root "employeeHours" element within the SOAP message body. The "employeeHourse" element will contain "ernpID" and "hours" child elements. Furthermore, the service needs to return a message based on a "response" element that contains "empID" and "status" child elements. Your developer comes to you with the following WSDL definition: The only revision you suggest is that the value of the "style" attribute of the "soap: binding" element be changed to "document" instead of "rpc". Why? 0
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