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300-215 Exam Dumps

300-215 Exam Dumps

Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco CyberOps Technologies

Vendor: Cisco

Exam Name: Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco CyberOps Technologies

Questions with Answers: 59

Last Updated: 18-Feb-2025

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Cisco 300-215 Exam Questions

Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco CyberOps Technologies exams.

A security team is discussing lessons learned and suggesting process changes after a security breach incident. During the incident, members of the security team failed to report the abnormal system activity due to a high project workload. Additionally, when the incident was identified, the response took six hours due to management being unavailable to provide the approvals needed. Which two steps will prevent these issues from occurring in the future? (Choose two.)
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An engineer is investigating a ticket from the accounting department in which a user discovered an unexpected application on their workstation. Several alerts are seen from the intrusion detection system of unknown outgoing internet traffic from this workstation. The engineer also notices a degraded processing capability, which complicates the analysis process. Which two actions should the engineer take? (Choose two.)
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Refer to the exhibit. What should an engineer determine from this Wireshark capture of suspicious network traffic?
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Refer to the exhibit. A network engineer is analyzing a Wireshark file to determine the HTTP request that caused the initial Ursnif banking Trojan binary to download. Which filter did the engineer apply to sort the Wireshark traffic logs?
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What is a concern for gathering forensics evidence in public cloud environments?
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