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CAS-004 Exam Dumps

CAS-004 Exam Dumps

CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) Exam

Vendor: CompTIA

Exam Name: CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) Exam

Questions with Answers: 558

Last Updated: 26-Jan-2025

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CompTIA CAS-004 Exam Questions

CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner (CASP+) Exam exams.

An organization is referencing NIST best practices for BCP creation while reviewing current internal organizational processes for mission - essential items. Which of the following phases establishes the identification and prioritization of critical systems and functions?
Choose the Choices:

An organization is preparing to migrate its production environment systems from an on - premises environment to a cloud service. The lead security architect is concerned that the organization's current methods for addressing risk may not be possible in the cloud environment. Which of the following BEST describes the reason why traditional methods of addressing risk may not be possible in the cloud?
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A company created an external application for its customers. A security researcher now reports that the application has a serious LDAP injection vulnerability that could be leveraged to bypass authentication and authorization. Which of the following actions would BEST resolve the issue? (Choose two.)
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In preparation for the holiday season, a company redesigned the system that manages retail sales and moved it to a cloud service provider. The new infrastructure did not meet the company’s availability requirements. During a postmortem analysis, the following issues were highlighted: 1. International users reported latency when images on the web page were initially loading. 2. During times of report processing, users reported issues with inventory when attempting to place orders. 3. Despite the fact that ten new API servers were added, the load across servers was heavy at peak times. Which of the following infrastructure design changes would be BEST for the organization to implement to avoid these issues in the future?
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During a remodel, a company’s computer equipment was moved to a secure storage room with cameras positioned on both sides of the door. The door is locked using a card reader issued by the security team, and only the security team and department managers have access to the room. The company wants to be able to identify any unauthorized individuals who enter the storage room by following an authorized employee. Which of the following processes would BEST satisfy this requirement?
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