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PT0-003 Exam Dumps

PT0-003 Exam Dumps

CompTIA PenTest+ Exam

Vendor: CompTIA

Exam Name: CompTIA PenTest+ Exam

Questions with Answers: 167

Last Updated: 25-Jan-2025

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CompTIA PT0-003 Exam Questions

CompTIA PenTest+ Exam exams.

During a security assessment, a penetration tester gains access to an internal server and manipulates some data to hide its presence. Which of the following is the best way for the penetration tester to hide the activities performed?
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A tester enumerated a firewall policy and now needs to stage and exfiltrate data captured from the engagement. Given the following firewall policy Action | SRC | DEST | - - Block | 1 - 65535 | 22 | TCP Allow | 1 - 65535 | | TCP Allow | 1 - 65535 | | TCP Block | . | . | * Which of the following commands should the tester try next?
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Which of the following elements in a lock should be aligned to a specific level to allow the key cylinder to turn?
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A penetration tester assesses an application allow list and has limited command - line access on the Windows system. Which of the following would give the penetration tester information that could aid in continuing the test?
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A penetration tester wants to use multiple TTPs to assess the reactions (alerted, blocked, and others) by the client’s current security tools. The threat - modeling team indicates the TTPs in the list might affect their internal systems and servers. Which of the following actions would the tester most likely take?
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