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SY0-501 Exam Dumps

SY0-501 Exam Dumps

CompTIA Security+

Vendor: CompTIA

Exam Name: CompTIA Security+

Questions with Answers: 777

Last Updated: 26-Jan-2025

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CompTIA SY0-501 Exam Questions

CompTIA Security+ exams.

Which of the following is the BEST way to protect kiosk computers from theft in a public setting?
Choose the Choices:

An information systems owner has decided to create a more stringent password policy based on recent reports that systems are being compromised with current user credentials. The current policy has password complexity reuse and history measures in place, however, attackers are repeatedly gaming access to the systems after passwords have been changed. Which of the following would be the BEST method to add to the password policy to prevent compromise?
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Smart home devices that ate always on or connected, such as HVAC system components, introduce SOHO networks to risks because of:
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An organization requires three separate factors for authentication to sensitive systems. Which of the following would BEST satisfy the requirement?
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Joe. a network administrator, ran a utility to perform banner grabbing to look for an older version of FTP service running on the servers. Which of the following BEST describes the underlying purpose of this approach?
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