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Cloud-Digital-Leader Exam Dumps

Cloud-Digital-Leader Exam Dumps

Cloud Digital Leader

Vendor: Google

Exam Name: Cloud Digital Leader

Questions with Answers: 411

Last Updated: 21-Jan-2025

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Google Cloud-Digital-Leader Exam Questions

Cloud Digital Leader exams.

You are migrating workloads to the cloud. The goal of the migration is to serve customers worldwide as quickly as possible According to local regulations, certain data is required to be stored in a specific geographic area, and it can be served worldwide. You need to design the architecture and deployment for your workloads. What should you do?
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Your organization needs a large amount of extra computing power within the next two weeks. After those two weeks, the need for the additional resources will end. Which is the most cost - effective approach?
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Your organization needs to plan its cloud infrastructure expenditures. Which should your organization do?
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The operating systems of some of your organization’s virtual machines may have a security vulnerability. How can your organization most effectively identify all virtual machines that do not have the latest security update?
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You are currently managing workloads running on Windows Server for which your company owns the licenses. Your workloads are only needed during working hours, which allows you to shut down the instances during the weekend. Your Windows Server licenses are up for renewal in a month, and you want to optimize your license cost. What should you do?
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