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C9510-401 Exam Dumps

C9510-401 Exam Dumps

IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile

Vendor: IBM

Exam Name: IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile

Questions with Answers: 73

Last Updated: 14-Feb-2025

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IBM C9510-401 Exam Questions

IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V8.5.5 and Liberty Profile exams.

A system administrator completed a WebSphere Application Server installation by using the Installation Manager. During installation, all defaults were selected for the installation root directories and the shared resources directory. Over time, the administrator has updated the installation with various interim fixes and fix packs. The administrator notices that the shared resources directory is very large in size and grows larger each time the Installation Manager is run. How can the administrator decrease the size and remove some of the content from the shared resources directory?
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A system administrator ran the backup Config command to backup the configuration using the - nostop option. The administrator changed the properties for the service integration environment by modifying the file. During testing the administrator noticed Service Integration Bus related errors and wanted to restore the service integration environment. The administrator used the restore config command, but the tuning properties for the service integration environment were not restored. How can the administrator prevent this issue?
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A system administrator is configuring the security of a new environment. The administrator has been asked to configure one LDAP server that has different sub - trees for business users and administration users. What should the administrator do to implement the required security configuration?
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A system administrator has added a server cluster as a member of a service integration bus (SIB). The administrator needs to configure one messaging engine for each server in this cluster and to have a failover location for each messaging engine. What should the administrator do to achieve the required design?
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A system administrator wants to learn some of the Python scripting commands for the administration of the environment. Which product feature should the administrator use?
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