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IIA-CRMA Exam Dumps

IIA-CRMA Exam Dumps

Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) Exam

Vendor: IIA

Exam Name: Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) Exam

Questions with Answers: 283

Last Updated: 26-Jan-2025

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IIA IIA-CRMA Exam Questions

Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) Exam exams.

What is the primary purpose of a fishbone diagram?
Choose the Choices:

In which of the following scenarios would a customer service hotline receive a high volume of complaints regarding payments not being applied to customers’ accounts?
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Which of the following is a valid statement about the use of visual observations during an audit engagement? 1. Visual observations can be used to detect ineffective controls, idle resources, and safety hazards. 2. Visual observations can be used during both preliminary survey and fieldwork stages of the audit engagement. 3. Visual observations can provide unsubstantiated facts to management if the internal auditor believes the information is useful. 4. Visual observations can assist an auditor in determining if a material observation should be communicated through informal means to the organization’s senior management.
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An internal auditor for a large retail chain suspects that a store manager has been stealing money from cash sales by listing the sales as accounts receivable and then writing off the accounts as bad debts. Which of the following irregularities is the most likely cause of the auditor's suspicion?
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Which of the following would provide the best guidance to a chief audit executive who is setting internal audit staff requirements?
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