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Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist Exam Dumps

Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist Exam Dumps

Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist

Vendor: Magento

Exam Name: Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist

Questions with Answers: 60

Last Updated: 23-Jan-2025

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Magento Magento-2-Certified-Solution-Specialist Exam Questions

Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist exams.

A merchant wants to download a list packing slips, However, when the merchant tries to download the packing slips for a set of orders, there are no slips included for many of the orders they selected. What does the merchant need to do to get packing slips for all of their orders?
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Your customer has recently experienced a large uptick in traffic and added a second server. After the new server went online users started reporting they are losing all their products in their cart. After an engineer investigates you are told the sessions are being written to the file system while the cache is written to Redis. Which two options will resolve the problem? Choose 2 answers
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Your client has a new store view to support Spanish. During testing, you notice that a CMS Block Widget that appears on your English store view is not appearing on the Spanish one. What change do you make to display the wide both store views?
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A merchant using Magento wants to create a special promotion for returning customers. The order discount should be automatically applied anyone that spent more than $300 in the last 5 months. How do you implement this promotion?
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You are using the Magento B2B module and you are requested to change the catalog type in your Magento store from custom to public. What are the three results from the change? Choose 3 answers
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