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MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Dumps

MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Dumps

MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 MAINTENANCE

Vendor: MuleSoft

Exam Name: MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 MAINTENANCE

Questions with Answers: 80

Last Updated: 25-Jan-2025

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MuleSoft MCPA-Level-1-Maintenance Exam Questions

MuleSoft Certified Platform Architect - Level 1 MAINTENANCE exams.

Refer to the exhibit. what is true when using customer - hosted Mule runtimes with the MuleSoft - hosted Anypoint Platform control plane (hybrid deployment)?
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A System API is designed to retrieve data from a backend system that has scalability challenges. What API policy can best safeguard the backend system?
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Refer to the exhibit. What is a valid API in the sense of API - led connectivity and application networks? A) Java RMI over TCP B) Java RMI over TCP C) CORBA over HOP D) XML over UDP
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Refer to the exhibit. Three business processes need to be implemented, and the implementations need to communicate with several different SaaS applications. These processes are owned by separate (siloed) LOBs and are mainly independent of each other, but do share a few business entities. Each LOB has one development team and their own budget In this organizational context, what is the most effective approach to choose the API data models for the APIs that will implement these business processes with minimal redundancy of the data models? A) Build several Bounded Context Data Models that align with coherent parts of the business processes and the definitions of associated business entities 0 B) Build distinct data models for each API to follow established micro - services and Agile API - centric practices C) Build all API data models using XML schema to drive consistency and reuse across the organization D) Build one centralized Canonical Data Model (Enterprise Data Model) that unifies all the data types from all three business processes, ensuring the data model is consistent and non - redundant 1
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What best describes the Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs), also known as DNS entries, created when a Mule application is deployed to the CloudHub Shared Worker Cloud?
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