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NSK300 Exam Dumps

NSK300 Exam Dumps

Netskope Certified Cloud Security Architect

Vendor: Netskope

Exam Name: Netskope Certified Cloud Security Architect

Questions with Answers: 60

Last Updated: 23-Jan-2025

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Netskope NSK300 Exam Questions

Netskope Certified Cloud Security Architect exams.

You are asked to create a customized restricted administrator role in your Netskope tenant for a newly hired employee. Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
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You are deploying the Netskope Client to Windows devices. The following command line would be used to install the client MSI file:

In this scenario, what is <token> referring to in the command line?
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Given the following:

Which result does this Skope IT query provide?
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You want customers to configure Real - time Protection policies. In which order should the policies be placed in this scenario?
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A company has deployed Explicit Proxy over Tunnel (EPoT) for their VDI users They have configured Forward Proxy authentication using Okta Universal Directory They have also configured a number of Real - time Protection policies that block access to different Web categories for different AD groups so. for example, marketing users are blocked from accessing gambling sites. During User Acceptance Testing, they see inconsistent results where sometimes marketing users are able to access gambling sites and sometimes they are blocked as expected They are seeing this inconsistency based on who logs into the VDI server first. What is causing this behavior?
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