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NCS-Core Exam Dumps

NCS-Core Exam Dumps

Nutanix Certified Services Core Infrastructure Professional

Vendor: Nutanix

Exam Name: Nutanix Certified Services Core Infrastructure Professional

Questions with Answers: 302

Last Updated: 26-Jan-2025

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Nutanix NCS-Core Exam Questions

Nutanix Certified Services Core Infrastructure Professional exams.

An administrator responsible for a VDI environment needs to investigate reports of slow logins. The administrator finds that increasing the number of vCPUs from 2 to 4 will reduce the login times. Production workloads are consuming 75% of the host CPU on the cluster. The administrator increases the vCPU count on all of the VDI VMs. What are two impacts on the cluster? (Choose two.)
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An administrator is using Nutanix Move to migrate a Windows VM from ESXi to AHV. Automated guest preparation is failing with an error: Account has UAC enabled error The administrator is using the local built - in administrator account for the Windows VM Admin approval mode must remain enabled. What should the administrator do to continue with the migration with Nutanix Move?
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A VM is exhibiting one or more of the following baseline values based on the past 30 days: • CPU usage < 20% • CPU ready time < 5% • Memory usage < 50% (moderately) or < 20% (severely) • Memory swap rate = 0 Kbps Which type of VM is being described?
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An administrator receives reports that VDI desktop performance in an 8 - node Nutanix VDI environment is poor. Opening applications takes between 1 and 2 minutes. When investigating the issue, the following conditions are found: • Cluster memory utilization: 80% • Cluster SSD utilization: 70% • Average VM CPU Wait Time: 11% • CVM CPU utilization: 75% Which action should be taken to improve VDI performance?
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An administrator has a custom backup application that requires a 2TB disk and runs in Windows. Throughput is considerably lower than expected. The application was installed on a VM with the following configuration: • Four vCPUs with one core/vCPU • 4GB of Memory • One 50GB vDisk for the Windows installation • One 2TB vDisk for the application What is the recommended configuration change to improve throughput?
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