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Lead-Cybersecurity-Manager Exam Dumps

Lead-Cybersecurity-Manager Exam Dumps

ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager

Vendor: PECB

Exam Name: ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager

Questions with Answers: 80

Last Updated: 25-Jan-2025

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PECB Lead-Cybersecurity-Manager Exam Questions

ISO/IEC 27032 Lead Cybersecurity Manager exams.

Scenario 1 WebSolutions Pro is a leading web development company based in San Francisco. With a growing client base and an expanding team, the company has been focusing on strengthening its cybersecurity posture. Recently, the company experienced a series of security incidents that highlighted the need for improved security measures. To address these issues, WebSolutions Pro implemented several controls to enhance its overall security framework. What type of control did WebSolutions Pro implement by providing training sessions to Re employees?
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WebSolutions Pro is a leading web development company based in San Francisco. With a growing client base and an expanding team, the company has been focusing on strengthening its cybersecurity posture. Recently, the company experienced a series of security incidents that highlighted the need for improved security measures. To address these issues, WebSolutions Pro implemented several controls to enhance its overall security framework. After the initial security incidents, WebSolutions Pro decided to enhance its data protection measures. One significant step was the implementation of cryptographic solutions to secure sensitive data both in transit and at rest. The company employed encryption protocols for emails, databases, and file storage systems to ensure that unauthorized individuals could not access confidential information. What type of control did WebSolutions Pro implement by using cryptographic solutions? Refer to scenario 1.
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An organization operating in the food industry has recently discovered that its warehouses, which store large amounts of valuable products, are unprotected and lacks proper surveillance, thus, presenting a vulnerability that con be exploited. Which of the following threats is typically associated with the identified vulnerability?
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During an internal audit, a company's IT team discovered a suspicious discrepancy in network logs After analyzing the network logs, the company found that some of the logs related to user access and activities were incomplete. Certain events and actions were missing, thus, raising concerns about the company's security system. Which information security principle was violated in this case?
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Scenario 2 Euro Tech Solutions Is a leading technology company operating in Europe that specializes In providing Innovative IT solutions With a strong reputation for reliability and excellence. EuroTech Solutions offers a range of services, including software development, cloud computing, and IT consulting. The company is dedicated to delivering cutting - edge technology solutions that drive digital transformation and enhance operational efficiency for its clients. Recently, the company was subject to a cyberattack that significantly impeded its operations and negatively impacted Its reputation. The cyberattack resulted in a major data breach, where the customers' data and sensitive Information ware leaked. As such, EuroTech Solutions identified the need to improve its cybersecurity measures and decided 1o implement o comprehensive cybersecurity program. EuroTech Solutions decided to use ISO.'I EC 27032 and the NIST Cybersecurity Framework as references and incorporate their principles and recommendations into its cybersecurity program. The company decided to rapidly implement the cybersecurity program by adhering to the guidelines of these two standards, and proceed with continual improvement (hereafter. Initially, the company conducted a comprehensive analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to evaluate its cybersecurity measures. This analysis helped the company to identify the desired stale of its cybersecurity controls. Then, it identified the processes and cybersecurity controls that are in place, and conducted a gap analysis to effectively determine the gap between the desired state and current state of the cybersecurity controls. The cybersecurity program included business and IT - related functions and was separated into three phases 1. Cybersecurity program and governance 2. Security operations and incident response 3. Testing, monitoring, and improvement With this program, the company aimed to strengthen the resilience of the digital infrastructure through advanced threat detection, real time monitoring, and proactive incident response. Additionally, it decided to droit a comprehensive and clear cybersecurity policy as part of its overall cybersecurity program The drafting process involved conducting a thorough research and analysis of existing cybersecurity frameworks Once the initial draft was prepared, the policy was reviewed, and then approved by senior management. After finalizing the cybersecurity policy, EuroTech Solutions took a proactive approach to its initial publication. The policy was communicated to all employees through various channels, including internal communications, employee training sessions, and the company's intranet network. Based on the scenario above, answer the following question Did EuroTech Solutions follow the sequence of steps appropriately when It conducted the gap analysis?
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