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QSDA2019 Exam Dumps

QSDA2019 Exam Dumps

Qlik Sense Data Architect Certification

Vendor: Qlik

Exam Name: Qlik Sense Data Architect Certification

Questions with Answers: 52

Last Updated: 20-Jan-2025

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Qlik QSDA2019 Exam Questions

Qlik Sense Data Architect Certification exams.

A company generates 1 GB of ticketing data daily. The data is stored in multiple tables Business users need to see trends of tickets processed for the past two years. Users very rarely access the transaction - level data for a specific date. Only the past two years of data must be loaded which is 720 GB of data Which method should a data architect use to meet these requirements?
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A data architect is using an Include statement to load the collection of variables from a TextFiles folder connection into an app. The data architect needs to load the data and generate an error if it fails. Which statement should the data architect use?
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A table is generated resulting from the following script When the data architect selects a date, some, but NOT all, orders for that date are shown How should the data architect modify the script to show all orders for the selected date? A) B) C) D)
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Refer to the exhibit. The data architect needs to build a model that contains Sales and Budget data for each customer. Some customers have Sales without a Budget, and other customers have a Budget with no Sales During loading, the data architect resolves a synthetic key by creating the composite key For validation, the data architect creates a table containing Customer, Month. Sales, and Budget columns. What does the data architect see when selecting a month?
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A data architect needs to load Table_A from an Excel file and sort the data by Field_2. Which script should the data architect use? A) B) C) D)
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