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C_THR86_2411 Exam Dumps

C_THR86_2411 Exam Dumps

SAP Certified Associate - Implementation Consultant - SAP SuccessFactors Compensation Exam

Vendor: SAP

Exam Name: SAP Certified Associate - Implementation Consultant - SAP SuccessFactors Compensation Exam

Questions with Answers: 80

Last Updated: 17-Feb-2025

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SAP C_THR86_2411 Exam Questions

SAP Certified Associate - Implementation Consultant - SAP SuccessFactors Compensation Exam exams.

Your non - EC customer wants only users in Pay Grade 1 2 to be ineligible for Lump Sum; Pay Grades 3 through 9 are eligible. What can you do to fulfill this requirement? Note There are 3 correct answers to this question.
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Your customer uses a look - up table to calculate custom budgets, as shown in the screenshot. The budget is based on an employee's country status. In the template, the country is defined with field ID customCountry the status is defined with field ID customStatus. What is the correct syntax to calculate the adjustment budget?
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Your customer is based in the UK has a functional currency of GBP. However, they also have offices in the US (USD), France (EUR), Germany (EUR). They would like the budget displayed in local currency for all planners - for example, German planners see the budget in EUR, not GBP. How can you best accomplish this? Note There are 2 correct answers to this question.
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Your customer has an Employee Central integrated template with an effective date of March 1, 2023. The template has a reloadable field that is mapped to the Pay Grade field in SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central. The forms are launched on February 1, 2023, with a start date of March 1, 2023. An employee gets promoted on March 5, 2023, which includes a pay grade change. What is the effect on the value that is displayed when the planner opens the worksheet on March 6, 2023?
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Your customer has two pay components, with IDS SALARY_US SALARY_UK, that are used for employees' base salary in their respective countries. They want to plan for all employees on a single worksheet using the employees' periodic salary, NOT the annual value. What is the best way to accomplish this?
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