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VNX100 Exam Dumps

VNX100 Exam Dumps

Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate

Vendor: Versa Networks

Exam Name: Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate

Questions with Answers: 60

Last Updated: 21-Jan-2025

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Versa Networks VNX100 Exam Questions

Versa Certified SD-WAN Associate exams.

In a Versa Secure SD - WAN solution, what are three functions of a hub controller? (Choose three.)
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You have configured a Versa Secure SD - WAN solution with a Full Mesh topology. In this scenario, which statement is true?
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A customer has a single Versa Analytics cluster deployed in a data center. The Versa Director and Versa Controller nodes are distributed between the data center and the disaster recovery sites. The data center goes down for one day. In this scenario, which statement is true?
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Review the exhibit.

Which set of conditions match the policy shown in the exhibit? A. Traffic flows that meet any one of the following three conditions: Source Zone - Intf - LAN1 Zone Source Zone - Intf - WLAN - Zone Application - SharePoint B. Traffic flows that meet any of the following two conditions: Source Zone - Intf - LAN1 Zone Source Zone - Intf - WLAN - Zone In addition, the below condition must also match Application - SharePoint C. Traffic flows that meet any one of the following three conditions: Source Zone - Intf - LAN1 Zone Source Zone - Intf - WLAN - Zone Application - SharePoint D. Traffic flows that meet all of the following two conditions: Source Zone - Intf - LAN1 Zone Source Zone - Intf - WLAN - Zone In addition, the below condition must also match Application - SharePoint
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What is the default load balancing algorithm set in an SD - WAN Forwarding Profile?
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