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3V0-21.23 Exam Dumps

3V0-21.23 Exam Dumps

VMware vSphere 8.x Advanced Design

Vendor: VMware

Exam Name: VMware vSphere 8.x Advanced Design

Questions with Answers: 92

Last Updated: 09-Feb-2025

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VMware 3V0-21.23 Exam Questions

VMware vSphere 8.x Advanced Design exams.

Following a review of security requirements, an architect has confirmed the following requirements REQ001 - A clustered firewall solution must be placed at the perimeter of the hosting platform, and all ingress and egress network traffic will route via this device. REQ002 - A distributed firewall solution must secure traffic for all virtualized workloads. REQ003 - All virtualized workload, hypervisor, firewall and any management component system events must be monitored by security administrators. REQ004 - The hosting platforms security information and event management (SIEM) system must be scalable to 20,000 events per second. REQ005 - The hosting platforms storage must be configured with data - at - rest encryption. REQ006 - The hosting platform limits access to authorized users. Which three requirements would be classified as technical (formerly non - functional) requirements? (Choose three.)
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An architect is designing a solution for a customer to meet the following business objectives Pass compliance audits Reuse compute hardware Grow by 10% per year Move to a subscription - based consumption model Which business objective translates as a conceptual model constraint?
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A company is expanding and will be deploying new vSphere environments in multiple new locations. All environments use datastores backed by multiple storage technologies and vendors. How can the architect create a design to efficiently and repeatedly distribute existing company virtual machine (VM) templates to multiple new locations?
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An architect is documenting the design decisions for a new vSphere solution. The following design decision has been made Create a separate vSphere cluster for the management workloads What could the architect include as justification for this design decision?
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An architect is tasked with designing a repeatable edge hosting solution using VMware technologies that can be deployed to existing hotels across the world and operate independently of other locations. During interviews with stakeholders, the architect notes the following information There are 123 hotels in total. All hotels have a minimum of two 1 Gbps connections for guest Internet access. The company operates hotels in four countries Canada, USA, Cuba and Mexico. The company is rebranding the hotels located in Mexico. Which of these is a business factor that will impact this design?
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