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5V0-22.23 Exam Dumps

5V0-22.23 Exam Dumps

VMware vSAN Specialist v2

Vendor: VMware

Exam Name: VMware vSAN Specialist v2

Questions with Answers: 75

Last Updated: 19-Feb-2025

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VMware 5V0-22.23 Exam Questions

VMware vSAN Specialist v2 exams.

A vSAN administrator has a group of requirements from the application team, which mandates spreading the components across storage devices as much as possible. What should the vSAN Administrator consider to achieve such a requirement for building a new vSAN cluster? (Choose two.)
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A site administrator wishes to implement HCI mesh between two clusters on vSAN that are located in geographically separate sites and which are administered within a single datacenter. Which two requirements should the vSAN administrator consider to accomplish this goal? (Choose two.)
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An administrator has 24 physical servers that need to be configured with vSAN. The administrator needs to ensure that a single rack failure is not going to affect the data availability. The number of racks used should be minimized. What has to be done and configured to achieve this goal?
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An administrator wants to assign a storage policy to a workload on a two - node vSAN OSA cluster consisting of three disk groups each with nested fault domains. The virtual machine must be protected against a disk or disk group failure. Which two storage policies meet these requirements? (Choose two.)
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A vSAN administrator is noticing that the objects resynchronizing in the cluster are taking longer than expected and wants to view the resynchronizing metrics. Which performance category should the vSAN administrator open?
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