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5V0-42.21 Exam Dumps

5V0-42.21 Exam Dumps

VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills

Vendor: VMware

Exam Name: VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills

Questions with Answers: 52

Last Updated: 15-Feb-2025

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VMware 5V0-42.21 Exam Questions

VMware SD-WAN Design and Deploy Skills exams.

The VMware SD - WAN solution is comprised of Orchestrator, Gateway, and Edge. The architecture ensures separation and secure communication between the management, control, and data plane of the solution. The management plane consists of the VMware SD - WAN Orchestrator, and the control plane is comprised of the VMware SO - WAN Gateway/ Controller. Which statement correctly describes this situation?
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Employees with an Apple iOS device have been causing congestion on the company's internet What should an administrator configure to target these devices when creating a Business policy for this issue?
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A customer has deployed VMware SD_WAN solution An administrator asked to imported additional security for traffic going to internet without investigating in new hardware solutions.
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A service provider needs to upgrade a gateway to a new software version. Which step in needed to complete the upgrade process?
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A customer is looking to have Quality of Service (QoS), resource allocations, link/path steering, and error correction applied automatically based on applications. Which component of VMware SD - WAN helps the customer achieve this requirement?
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